We are all in this together!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Heyyyy! Silly socks rhymes with billy blocks!"

We have been working on rhyming this year...can you tell by the above title? Seriously people, these kids are getting so incredibly smart, independent, and proactive! I'm not implying that they were not before, but they have grown so much this year and it's showing! I can't believe there are only 21 days of this year left!

We have been learning about geometry in math these past two weeks. We explored 2-D shapes and then moved on to 3-D shapes such as: sphere (pronounced by the kiddos "spear"), rectangular prism, cylinder, cone, cube, and triangular prism). We observed each shape, listed it's characteristics, and then thought about where we see that shape in our lives. When I asked about sphere's this is what one kiddo replied: "Ms. Carlberg!! When your baby grows, your belly will be a giant sphere!" Now, I AM NOT pregnant, rather a teacher next door is, so all of the kids just think everyone is pregnant. That made me laugh to the point of tears. After exploring shapes we learned about polygons and can now determine what is and what is not a polygon. Here we are sorting some potential polygons:

We are thoroughly enjoying Everyday in May is Special! One of our favorite days was Silly Sock day in which we did everything based around socks. Our morning meeting had a greeting, sharing, and activity with socks, we learned songs about them, and we made our own silly socks on paper (and, I might add, we smelled them too! Man our room was stinky that day!) Each student was given a pair of socks and decorated them as they pleased. Then, they had to use adjectives to describe them. Here are a few:

In addition to silly sock day, we also celebrated May Day by making baskets to secretly put on the desks of 5th graders. We decorated baskets and flowers, and then glued Hershey's kisses in the middle.

Stay tuned for more pictures of our Everyday in May celebration! This Thursday, we are making our own ice cream and it's going to be a blast!

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