We are all in this together!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Funky Friday (September 23)

We concluded our week with a lot, and I do mean a lot, of dancing today! In the morning, I always choose a different type of music for us to listen to as we come in and do our morning work. This morning I was playing Motown music, and Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 happened to come on. Two kiddos immediately recognized him and that started our day with singing, laughing, and dancing. The rest of the day we would transition to new activities by turning on some good ol' Michael Jackson and practicing our moonwalking skills. I wish you could have been here to witness all of the dancing that was going on! What a great day!

We started our very first Math Game Mania today! This will happen every Friday and is so much fun! The kiddos chose the math game they wanted to play and had a great time! I had the chance to work with kiddos of all skill levels throughout the mania. It's always fun to let the kiddos relax and learn all while they play. Plus, I love being able to work one-on-one with each kiddo, even if it is for a few minutes.

We continued our study of cooperation today with a very exciting art project. Yesterday, everyone chose a crayon that they liked. Then, I glued each crayon to a piece of posterboard and today we used a hairdryer to melt them all together. This is the conclusion that the kiddos came up with: We are all different, but when we work together we can do beautiful things. HOW INCREDIBLE! (And how perfect, this is exactly the conclusion I hoped they would see.) We will continue to draw connections between our lives and how we can use cooperation, but this was a thrilling, colorful way to learn. I will post a picture of the final product on Monday.

Books We Read Today:
Skippyjon Jones- Judy Schachner (one of my all time favorites)
Agate- Joy Morgan Dey (another of my all time favorites)
The Mouse and the Motorcycle - Beverly Cleary

Interesting Tidbits From Our Day

(After one kiddo expressed that he didn't care for Michael Jackson's music) "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! MJ is the best! In fact, he's singing up in heaven right now!" (Regardless of your beliefs about heaven, how funny is that?")

Room F's favorite singers: Michael Jackson, Justin Beaver (no, not Bieber, they are convinced it's "Beaver), Leonard Skinnard (well, really just Sweet Home Alabama) and Enrique Iglesias.

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