We are all in this together!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Is that really your outfit today?"

I was greeted by the very first kiddo with that question today. What a way to start that day, with brutal honesty! Ok, I admit I hit the snooze for an extra 15 minutes of sleep in lieu of a shower so my hair might have been questionable, but other than that my outfit was pretty normal. Nothing like a kiddo's brutal honesty to snap you awake in the morning!

Yesterday we started Read Well with Mrs. DeWitt joining us! She was checking in to see our progress, how we are working, and the amazing work our kiddos are doing! We have come so far in our reading I know families have seen improvements, but wait until the end of the quarter! We started reading a new poem about my favorite animal today titled "WH as is Whale". I'm not sure who has loved these two days more...me or the kiddos. Today to end Read Well we read a non-fiction book about whales and the kiddos shared what they knew about them. 30 minutes later we finished the book! Apparently I have been spouting out more whale facts than I realized or our kiddos love whales as much as I do!

Yesterday and today were very important days because our kids took their winter reading tests! The progress our kids are making literally made me cry! They have made some huge gains! I didn't need to wait for the winter tests to tell me that, but the confirmation was wonderful! While our friends took their tests, some of us waited in the hallway reading books. I was proud of how patiently, silently, and focused we waited!

And, after we got done with our testing we rewarded our hard work by playing a long game of eraser tag. It's similar to freeze tag with one difference; the taggers have erasers on their head and have to keep them balanced while in pursuit of the other kids. Our kiddos LOVE this game!

bby was sweetly talking to Josiah about recess and then
BAM! she tagged him. He never saw it coming.

Here are a few pictures that I forgot to post of our kiddos role playing "Stop, Walk, and Talk". They're too sweet not for you to see. We have really been practicing this these past two days and are good at it.


Walk to a teacher.

Talk to the teacher so they can
help you.

Books We Read Today:
Baby Beluga (well, technically we sang through the book) 
Whales and Dolphins 

Interesting Tidbits from our Day

"Whoa, this writing stuff is hard!" (We are becoming better writers too, so I don't believe it!"

"Why are you crying? Did someone wrinkle your heart? I'll help you un-wrinkle it." 

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