We are all in this together!

Friday, May 11, 2012

"This is the worst day ever...my ice cream isn't creamy, it's salty... wait, that's the just the ice, ooops!"

Ice Cream Day is one of my favorite days of the entire year. It's messy, chaotic, loud, and crazy, and absolutely delicious. To make our ice cream we put whole milk, sugar, and vanilla in a small plastic bag. Then, we put that small plastic bag in a gallon Ziploc bag filled with ice and rock salt. Then, we shake, toss, roll, and do whatever we can to mix the milk and turn it to ice cream. It's a cold, sloppy process as the ice melts and the ice cream is made. But, the end result is absolutely wonderful! What's not to like right? Milk, sugar, and vanilla! Check us out!

We put gloves on our hands to keep them warm while we
shook our bags.

Our gloves became soaked, so Wesley resorted
to using his socks! Genius!

Connor apparently has hands of steel; that's a cold bag!

Nekon used his sleeves...genius!

Abby would slide the bag down the table and Kasey would catch it
and then send it back. What a smart way to not have to touch the
cold bag. Genius!

This was after Josiah ate a salt covered ice cube
and shrieked the above quote. The ice cream tasted
much better!

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