We are all in this together!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

"Where has the time gone, Ms. Carlberg?!"

I am asking myself the same question!(And you probably are also, in regards to no posts for 2 weeks!) The last month of school has absolutely flown by and now, here we are with only 5 days left. I have been documenting many of the exciting things we have been doing, even if I have been extremely slow in posting them. As of right now, Google isn't allowing me to upload pictures (let's be honest here, it's probably something I'm doing...) so I'll give you an update about our activities and then when I can solve the picture issue, I'll post the pictures.

Track and Field day was scorching hot and a riot to be a part of! The kids get so serious about the events and are really doing their absolute everything to win. They jumped hurdles, did the long jump, jumped rope, ran relays and races, threw softballs, and so much more. When they came back into our classroom the last 30 minutes of the day was spent drinking water and laying on the carpet. They really worked their hardest!

We spent a morning at Kordiak Park exploring and searching for signs of spring. We saw a mother goose with her goslings (We had a long discussion about staying far away from those geese...they can be mean!), a next, turtles, and birds. We saw all kinds of different plants blooming and even saw some poop. Can you guess, of all those things, which the kids thought was the most fascinating?

Cookie Day was one of our favorite days in May. Obviously, I think it's because we got to eat many cookies...but I think also because our entire day was focused around cookies! We played games, read books, and even made our own cookie books.

The Minnesota Zoo field trip was absolutely exceptional! It was 96 degrees and sunny that day so we came armed with sunscreen and water. The animals were completely lethargic and hardly as interesting as the water that was bubbling up from the playground area. We got soaking wet, then dried off, then got soaking wet, and dried off again. Either way, we had a great day!

The Children's Theater was equally as wonderful! Pippi Longstocking is a wild, loud, musical, colorful explosion of giggles and humor. Pippi is a loud, silly girl who is always outsmarting adults...the kids were completely engaged in the play for the entire 2 hours it ran. It was heart warming to listen to the giggle of our kiddos and listen to them respond to the play. For example, at one point two clumsy burglars were sneaking into Pippi's house and so the kids were shouting, completely wholeheartedly I might add, "LOOK OUT PIPPI!"

We are enjoying the last couple days of school and are even being put to work organizing tools, cleaning up our working spaces, and taking down the posters we've made all year. Only 5 days left!

More pictures to follow asap, I promise!

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