We are all in this together!

Monday, December 5, 2011

"Are you, Mrs. Cahlander, and Ms. Harper sisters? Because you all laugh REALLY loud..."

Our day started out a little silly today and I think I know why...

We found these wonderful sunglasses and had a blast wearing
them throughout the day.
We had some tired kiddos this morning! We spent the morning relaxing while reading during Read Well. it was hard for most of us to stay awake actually! We started learning about a new sound today- "sh". We also learned what the word shivering meant and had a really fun, creative time showing each other what we look like when we shiver....some looked like dance moves, others looked like kids spiraling out of control, but it's all good.

We took our Unit Two math test and I'm happy to report all of the things we know!
-Tell time to the nearest hour and draw the hands on the clock to show that hour.
- Read a graph and answer questions about it.
- Count nickels and pennies.
- Count on using our fingers
- Make groups of 8
- Make groups of 10
Tomorrow we start Unit Three that focuses on patterns and the hundred chart.

We started our study of snowpeople this week. (Formerly known as snowmen, but to be fair to the ladies, we call them snow people) We began by reading, Snowmen at Night! We will continue to read books about these frosty characters, then will compare and contrast them, and then at the end of the week (if we have time!) we will make our own snowpeople using marshmallows.

Our singing practice is going great! The first graders really love singing and are catching on to the songs quickly. Here we are practcing, and here is Mr. Wahlberg strumming away on his guitar.

Also, check out our Miracle Drain Pumpkin!

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