We are all in this together!

Monday, December 12, 2011

"Ms.Carlberg, I saw santa this weekend. He's for real. No, Ms. Carlberg, I mean like for real for real!"

As the holidays approach I can't believe how the time flies! (Last week I only posted once, so sorry for those looking for more updated information!) We have been extremely busy in first grade, but we have also been working hard and having fun!

We have started Unit Three in math and have had a blast exploring patterns not only with shapes, but also with numbers on the hunderds chart, colors, sounds, and even music! Every sound we hear is turned into some type of melody, rhythym, or pattern. (I love it for two reasons: 1. The kiddos are picking up the concept of patterns. 2. This is exactly how my brain functions so it's perfect for me too!) We have enjoyed having time in the morning and at quiet time to use our pattern blocks to explore! Today we started using dominoes! We played Domino Top It and had a great time counting and playing together. Here are a few pictures from our math adventures.

On Friday we celebrated all we have learned in Read Well by having a Read-In! Kiddos brought in blankets and pillows and we all got cozy and enjoyed reading together. Usually everyone has a specific job to do during our Read Well time but on Friday they got to choose what they wanted to do (computer, classroom library, skill work, bingo, or indpendent reading). Not only was this fun for the kids and for the teachers (because we got to hang out and read with the kids too) but it was also an awe-inspiring lesson about cooperation, sharing, and empathy. I was worried when some kids brought in blankets and were so proud and protective over them...I thought it would create some drama. I should have known, however, that these kiddos were not only willing to share but also gave up some time with their things so that others could have a turn. How selfless! I am lucky to spend each day with, and to learn from, these amazing kids!

Today we started our Holidays Around the World celebration! (This is one of my absolute favorite parts of the year!) Room F kids went into Mrs. Cahlander's room and learned all about Hanukkah. They learned how to play the dreidel game, where the holiday started from, and all the intricate details about it. It was fun to hear their stories about the holiday and to hear what they learned. Tomorrow they will visit another first grade teacher to learn about another holiday.

Books We Read Today:

The Best Little Monkeys in the World- Natalie Standiford
The Mouse and the Motorcycle- Beverly Cleary

Interesting Tidbits from our Day:
"I can't stop wiggling! I'm too out of control! HELP!"

"My teeth hurt...I think they're growing... will they grow out of my mouth like a beaver?!"

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